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Best of the Blogosphere: 10 to Read

PC World finds the funniest, most informative, and most esoteric sites

(Newser) - PC World chooses the best blogs in 10 categories:
  1. Technology News:  Slashdot (
  2. Specialty Tech Site: John Battele's Searchblog (
  3. Company Watcher: Microsoft Watch (
  4. Corporate Blog: The Official Google Blog (
  5. Politics and Business: Policybeta (

Tech Companies Cool on Indian Outsourcing

Rising labor costs make hiring at home more attractive

(Newser) - India, the destination of choice for American tech companies looking for sophisticated but cheap labor, is beginning to lose its appeal, the Wall Street Journal reports. Rising pay scales are making it  too expensive to justify the complications of globalizing. Now some are outsourcing their outsourcing to slower climes like...

Battle for Tech-Savvy New Grads Heats Up

Geeks are a hot commodity on the job market

(Newser) - Demand for students and recent grads with top-notch tech skills is higher than it's been in over a decade, thanks in part to banks and securities firms waging the recruiting wars alongside Silicon Valley giants such as Google. Bloomberg goes inside the process of wooing the so-called millennials, born between...

3-D Format Will Foil Film Pirates
3-D Format
Will Foil
Film Pirates

3-D Format Will Foil Film Pirates

Camcorder killer coming to a theater near you

(Newser) - Movie makers are preparing to launch a major assault on video piracy—in 3-D.  In two years, more than 4,000 theaters will be 3-D-ready, and top studios are gearing up to create films in the new format, which can't be recorded off the screen. Steven Spielberg and Peter...

Top 10 Tech Toys That Flopped
Top 10 Tech Toys That Flopped

Top 10 Tech Toys That Flopped

New technologies that were ballyhooed, but didn't live up to their hype

(Newser) -
  1. CueCat: A cat-shaped device that would scan magazine barcodes and send you to corresponding websites. No one bit.
  2. DigiScent's iSmell: Sending scents across the internet turned out to be a stinky idea.
  3. DIVX: A special system to play DVDs that destruct after one viewing. Obviously a keeper.
  4. E-books: If

Kodak Sets Sights on Flashless Future

New low-light sensor could snap flagging company out of slump

(Newser) - Kodak showed off a new technology today that enables digital cameras to capture clearer pictures in low light—without a flash. Kodak revealed the innovation just as the enduring photography company finishes up its long and costly transformation to digital and begins to tap into its valuable portfolio of patents.

Gates and Jobs Banter in Rare Face-to-Face

Tech gods praise each other, discuss the PC guy from the Mac ads

(Newser) - Long-time rivals Bill Gates and Steve Jobs quipped and reminisced their way through their first joint public appearance in two decades at last night's D: All Things Digital conference in San Diego. The two tech kings ditched their traditional rivalry for a cozy, back-and-forth love fest. We've been "secretly...

First Computer May Be 2100 Years Old

Scholars may have finally figured out what the Antikythera Mechanism is

(Newser) - An unknown scientist in the first century B.C. may have invented the world’s first computer. Discovered by Greek divers in 1900 on the bottom of the Aegean Sea near the island of Antikythera, the so called Antikythera Mechanism lay in the National Museum in Athens mistaken for an...

Engineer Guilty Of Attempted Espionage

Jury convicts California man of trying to send defense docs to China

(Newser) - A Chinese-American engineer could get up to 35 years for trying to funnel classified U.S. defense technology to China. A federal jury in California convicted 66-year-old Chi Mak, a naturalized citizen who worked for an Anaheim defense contractor, of conspiring to send top secret plans for submarine propulsion technology...

Tech Guru Takes Mass Approach
Tech Guru Takes Mass Approach

Tech Guru Takes Mass Approach

WSJ 's Walt Mossberg is the Everyman of high-tech—and the public is listening

(Newser) - The New Yorker profiles columnist and technology prophet Walt Mossberg, whose word has decided the fate of many a digital revolution. Mossberg's mantra is that technology should be easy and elegant, and he tells Ken Auletta that companies like Mac and Microsoft still have a ways to go in satisfying...

Pentagon Woos Tech Startups
Pentagon Woos Tech Startups

Pentagon Woos Tech Startups

Venture capital firms play matchmaker in Defense search for new technologies

(Newser) - Infant tech companies are fast becoming a tributary in the pipeline between the Pentagon and big contractors, the Times reports. And in a new, official initiative, Defense is tasking venture capitalists to harvest ideas and technologies from the fast-moving tech startups they monitor, and small companies are winning coveted contracts.

Court Relaxes Patent Test
Court Relaxes Patent Test

Court Relaxes Patent Test

Tech companies applaud broader guidelines for "obviousness"

(Newser) - Tech companies are thrilled with a Supreme Court ruling yesterday that relaxed the "obviousness" test for patents—the standard for deciding when a combination of existing elements deserves patent protection. No longer will Silicon Valley giants have to wrangle with patent "trolls"—people who anticipate minute improvements...

&quot;See the Ball, Hit the Ball&quot;
"See the Ball, Hit the Ball"

"See the Ball, Hit the Ball"

Baseball players boost their averages by honing their vision

(Newser) - Top-level athletes are using technology to sharpen their vision—and their games—even if it's not weak to start with. Not only laser surgery, but amber-tinted contacts, and special pitching machines now help baseball and Olympic softball players hone their eyesight, the Los Angeles Times reports.

BlackBerry Blackout Lasts 12 Hours
BlackBerry Blackout Lasts 12 Hours

BlackBerry Blackout Lasts 12 Hours

Millions of data and email addicts left jonesing during service outage

(Newser) - Five million BlackBerry scrollers in the U.S. and Asia were stymied for 12 hours over Tuesday night and yesterday morning while Research in Motion frantically fixed a service outage. Early-riser Wall Streeters working on deals with London were particularly annoyed by the downtime. Experts surmise the blackout was a...

New OS Delay Shows Strains At Apple
New OS Delay Shows Strains At Apple

New OS Delay Shows Strains At Apple

"They've shaken people's confidence in their ability to execute," says analyst

(Newser) - The iPhone is coming on time, but at a price: Apple's new Leopard operating system is on hold until October. The decision reflects an overstretched company that's expanding faster than its small staff can handle, analysts say. Apple's talent for innovation, showcased by products like the iPod—and more recently,...

Google Earth Digitizes Genocide
Google Earth Digitizes Genocide

Google Earth Digitizes Genocide

Internet tool used to raise awareness of atrocities in Sudan

(Newser) - Google Earth has teamed up with the Holocaust Museum to bring the realities of genocide to your MacBook. "Crisis in Darfur" employs Google Earth wizardry to help users visualize the scope of the atrocities currently unfolding in Sudan. Viewers can see over 1,600 damaged and destroyed villages up...

Google Dials 411
Google Dials 411

Google Dials 411

(Newser) - Google has unleashed an 800-pound-gorilla in the the $8 billion market for U.S. directory assistance: a free 411 service. 1-800-GOOG-411 launched last week as part of an initiative to bring Google's power to voice searches. And unlike traditional 411, customers can call in with search terms ("pizza Upper...

FCC: Shut Up and Fly
FCC: Shut Up and Fly

FCC: Shut Up and Fly

Regulators knock down plan to allow cell phone use in flight

(Newser) - Chatty frequent-flyers were disappointed yesterday, as the Federal Communications Commission refused to lift its ban on cell phone use during flight. The two-year old proposal had prompted a massive outpouring from airline customers who called  airborne conversation  "a recipe for a lot of anger" and "torture."

They Pay the Price of Warming
They Pay the Price of Warming

They Pay the Price of Warming

when it comes to global warming, we're not in it together

(Newser) - The obligation of people who live in countries that contribute the most to climate change--the developed nations— to those who will suffer most from it —the poor ones—is the subject of a provocative piece in the New York Times.

Thumb Prints Produce Cash in Rural India

New biometric ATMs help the illiterate poor get wages faster

(Newser) - Payday in rural India now comes with the scan of a fingerprint: Brand new biometric cash machines are letting illiterate laborers collect their meager wages hassle-free. Account holders are issued an ATM card bearing their thumb print information; when they withdraw money, they follow voice commands to retrieve their wages....

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