
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Trump Quashes Major Law: 'All of That Ends Today'

The president reinterprets an environmental policy dating back to Nixon

(Newser) - President Trump is rolling back a foundational Nixon-era environmental law that he says stifles infrastructure projects, but that is credited with ensuring decades of scrutiny of major projects and giving local communities a say, the AP reports. Trump was in Atlanta to announce changes Wednesday to the National Environmental Policy...

Biden Unveils $2T Climate Plan: 'What I Think of Is Jobs'

'The Climate President that America needs,' Wash. Gov. Inslee said in an email response

(Newser) - Joe Biden released a $2 trillion plan Tuesday to boost investment in clean energy and stop all climate-damaging emissions from US power plants by 2035, arguing that dramatic action is needed to tackle climate change and revive the economy. In remarks near his home in Wilmington, Del., the presumptive Democratic...

Michael Moore&#39;s New Film Is Denounced&mdash;by the Left
Michael Moore's New Film
Is Denounced—by the Left

Michael Moore's New Film Is Denounced—by the Left

Critics say 'Planet of the Humans' is wildly inaccurate and smears the green movement

(Newser) - Michael Moore is used to taking all kinds of criticism over his films. His new one, however, offers a twist on that. Many environmentalists and other usual Moore supporters on the left are outraged over the documentary Planet of the Humans, while conservative sites, including Breitbart , are singing its praises....

France May Ban Black Friday
It's 'Block Friday'
in This Country

It's 'Block Friday' in This Country

French lawmakers, activists worry about overconsumption

(Newser) - More than 200 brands are boycotting Black Friday in France this year. But come next year, there might not be a Black Friday in the country at all. A French legislative committee on Monday approved an amendment to an anti-waste bill that proposes to ban Black Friday and other "...

Coldplay: No More Tours Until They're Green-Friendly

Band says it's taking the 'next year or two' to figure out how to be more environmentally conscious

(Newser) - Coldplay has a new album coming out this week, but unless you're planning on being in Jordan on Friday, don't look for the concert lineup to promote it. "We're not touring this album," frontman Chris Martin tells the BBC , adding the environmentally conscious reason: "...

11K Scientists: 'Planet Earth Is Facing a Climate Emergency'

Declaration suggests 6 critical steps to take

(Newser) - More than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries have signed a declaration that doesn't beat around the bush: They declare "clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency." In the declaration from the Alliance of World Scientists, published in the journal BioScience , the scientists...

Most, Least &#39;Green&#39; Cities in America
This Is America's
'Greenest' City

This Is America's 'Greenest' City

San Francisco tops WalletHub's California-dominant list

(Newser) - The Golden State might be more appropriately called green, according to WalletHub . The site looked at 28 "green" indicators—including water and air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, annual excess fuel consumption, and the share of electricity from renewable sources—in America's 100 largest cities to find those that...

Over 7 Hours, 10 Candidates Talked Climate Change

Democrats reveal their priorities in CNN town halls

(Newser) - Top Democratic presidential contenders talked tough Wednesday on cutting climate-damaging emissions from oil, gas, and coal, turning their focus to global warming in a marathon evening of town halls. While Republicans might find ammunition in the overwhelming—and overwhelmingly costly—scope of the plans, the 10 Democrats who participated in...

Prince Harry Unveils Eco-Friendly Travel Initiative After Criticism

Travalyst to support sustainable travel, local communities

(Newser) - Prince Harry responded to the hubbub over his use of private jets while unveiling an eco-friendly travel initiative in Amsterdam on Tuesday. The Duke of Sussex said he spends "99% of my life traveling the world by commercial," but occasionally needs to fly on a private jet "...

Bill Maher Hopes David Koch's Death Was 'Painful'

The political comedian doesn't hold back

(Newser) - Bill Maher's reaction to David Koch's death wasn't exactly reverent. In fact, we'll skip the expletive. "He and his brother have done more than anybody to fund climate science deniers for decades" while "the Amazon is burning up," the Real Time with Bill ...

Where America Made Deadly Weapons, Wildlife Now Roam

And remaining cleanup will cost hundreds of billions of dollars

(Newser) - From a tiny Pacific island to a leafy Indiana forest, a handful of sites where the US manufactured and tested some of the most lethal weapons known to humankind are now peaceful havens for wildlife, the AP reports. An astonishing array of animals and habitats flourished on six obsolete weapons...

McDonald's Opts for Paper Straws That Can't Be Recycled

At least, not yet

(Newser) - McDonald's has ditched its plastic straws in favor of paper ones in the UK and Ireland —there's just one itty-bitty, teenie-weenie little problem: The paper straws can't be recycled. The fast-food company has called the new paper straws "eco-friendly," but, though the paper is...

5.6K Hotels to Take 'Next Logical Step' for Environment

InterContinental Hotels Group will phase out mini-toiletries in single-use plastic bottles

(Newser) - The owner of Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza hotels vowed in October to stop using plastic straws by the end of 2019. Now it's on to "the next logical step," per the New York Times . InterContinental Hotels Group has become the first global hotel brand to say...

500-Mile Trek for Environment Has Unusual Twist

Indonesia's Medi Bastoni will be doing it backward, with the help of a rearview mirror

(Newser) - He's walking backward for a month in the hope of moving forward with forest conservation. The Guardian has the story of Medi Bastoni, an Indonesian man who set out Thursday to walk 500 miles in reverse from his village of Dono in East Java to the State Palace in...

Chesapeake Bay Problem Becomes Political Football

And climate change isn't helping

(Newser) - When the Conowingo Dam opened to fanfare nearly a century ago, the massive wall of concrete and steel began its job of harnessing water power in northern Maryland. It also quietly provided a side benefit: trapping sediment and silt before it could flow miles downstream and pollute the Chesapeake Bay,...

24-Year-Old Relaunches Device to Trap Ocean Plastic

After 4 months of repair, Boyan Slat's floating boom is back at it in the Pacific Ocean

(Newser) - A floating device designed to catch plastic waste has been redeployed in a second attempt to clean up a huge island of trash swirling in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii. Boyan Slat, the 24-year-old creator of the Ocean Cleanup project, announced on Twitter that a 2,000-foot-long floating...

When You Eat and Drink, There's a Hidden Ingredient

A study says we're consuming a lot of microplastics

(Newser) - You're ingesting a secret ingredient when you eat, drink, and breathe: microplastics. The question is, does it matter? A new study estimates that the average adult ingests at least 98,000 plastic particles annually, the Seattle Times reports. The particles apparently come from various sources including shellfish, sugar, salt,...

Humans May Be Headed for Extinction 'in Most Horrible Way'

Wars, lethal heat, water shortages could be 30 years off: authors

(Newser) - Numerous in-depth reports on climate change have failed to show in just how dire a predicament humans find themselves—essentially inches from total destruction—according to a new paper from climate researchers, one a former fossil fuel executive. They write that there is a "high likelihood of human civilization...

Country's New Law Could Bring 525B New Trees to the World

Philippines bill would mandate students plant at least 10 trees each before graduating

(Newser) - Advocates for a new bill in the Philippines say it could result in 525 billion new trees over the course of a generation, and the ones set to be on the front lines for this initiative are students. The Independent and CNN Philippines report on the proposed legislation, which mandates...

Australia's 'Last Unspoilt Paradise' Is Anything But

Researchers find 414M pieces of plastic debris on remote islands

(Newser) - Study after study has illustrated the insane amount of plastic clogging up our planet. But a new one focusing on Australia's Cocos Islands suggests we still may have greatly underestimated the problem. Researchers surveyed 88% of the total landmass of the remote islands considered "Australia's last...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>