
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Boycotts Taking Toll on Arizona

Hotels suffer from immigration law protests

(Newser) - Fewer visitors are heading to Arizona, but not the way state lawmakers envisioned when they crafted their controversial immigration law. Arizona businesses, especially those in the tourism and hospitality trades, are starting to feel the pain of boycotts launched to protest the law. So many conventions have been canceled that...

Captors Free Americans Abducted in Yemen

Crackdown on kidnappers' relatives leads to quick release

(Newser) - The two Americans kidnapped yesterday near Sanaa, Yemen, have been freed, the Yemeni government tells Reuters . The captors were demanding the release of a jailed relative, but the government arrested numerous other family members to pressure the kidnappers to free the tourists, who are husband and wife. The government did...

Gulf States to BP: You Foot Our Tourism Ad Bill

The $20B Gulf Coast industry worried about summer

(Newser) - The environment and the fishing industry aren't the only ones losing big because of the Gulf oil spill: The $20 billion Gulf Coast tourism industry fears that the constant doom-and-gloom media coverage will decimate summer tourism in the region. That's why Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama are calling for BP to...

Arizona Boycott Targets Baseball, Tourism

Gov. 'disappointed' by call to action

(Newser) - People opposed to Arizona's tough new immigration law should stay away from Diamondbacks games and the Grand Canyon, say organizers of a national boycott of the controversial state. Tourists are being urged to avoid Arizona, and business groups are being told they should hold their conventions elsewhere, Reuters reports. The...

Mount Everest Is the New 'Brokeback'

Nepal wants to host your gay wedding— and honeymoon

(Newser) - Nepal—a country that that considered homosexuality a crime until 2007—now hopes to turn Mount Everest into gay wedding destination. The plan is part of a country-wide push to double the number of visitors in 2011. A typical itinerary might include sky-high nuptials and an elephant safari honeymoon, tourist...

North Korea Desperate for Tourist Dollars

Pressures South to drop ban on trips to Mount Kumgang resort

(Newser) - Things are going to get ugly unless South Korea allows its tourists to resume visiting scenic Mount Kumgang, North Korea warned yesterday. South Korea barred tours to the North Korean resort after border guards shot a woman dead on a beach in 2008. Pyongyang says it will take "extraordinary...

Swimming With Dolphins 'Traumatizes Them'

Harassed dolphins spend less time feeding, nurturing young

(Newser) - Zanzibar's dolphins are becoming incredibly stressed out by the steady stream of tourists swimming with them, British scientists say. The researchers found that dolphins become stressed when people swim close to them or touch them. The dolphins also become unsettled when tourists boats are around and spend less time resting,...

Jamaica Bets 'Jewmaican' Past Will Draw Tourists
 Jamaica Bets 'Jewmaican' 
 Past Will Draw Tourists 

Jamaica Bets 'Jewmaican' Past Will Draw Tourists

Today's population is small, but remnants abound; plus, Jewish pirates!

(Newser) - When the uninitiated look at Jamaica’s Jews, they might see a small but resilient community: around 200 faithful, an historic synagogue but no rabbi, few choices for kosher food. But if you’re the nation’s tourism director, you see a goldmine. Plans are afoot to launch a Jewish...

Deadly Luge Track Design Driven by Tourism
 Deadly Luge Track 
 Design Driven by Tourism 

Deadly Luge Track Design Driven by Tourism

High-traffic location meant Whistler run had to be steep and narrow

(Newser) - The harrowing speed and difficult turns of the sliding track at the Vancouver Olympics that claimed a luger’s life last week are the result more of the bottom line than any premeditated design decision. Seeking to keep revenues up after the Games, officials located the track at tourist-friendly Whistler...

Sin City Seethes Over 2nd Obama Diss

Vegas defenders: This time sorry isn't good enough

(Newser) - When President Obama said yesterday that families saving for college shouldn't blow money in Vegas, it was the second time he'd singled out Sin City as an example of excessive spending—and his words came as salt in the wounds of a tourism-dependent city hit hard by the recession. "...

Stonehenge, Machu Picchu Among 'Threatened Wonders'

How tourists damage eight of the wonders they love most

(Newser) - From the litter strewn around Machu Picchu to the noisy highway junction next to Stonehenge, mass tourism and misguided development have many of the world's most famous travel destinations looking worse for the wear. Wanderlust magazine reports on the top eight threatened wonders, what can be done to help them,...

Tourism Curses King Tut's Tomb

Mysterious mold attacks boy pharaoh's burial chamber

(Newser) - Mass tourism seems to have cursed King Tut's tomb with a problem as mysterious as the untimely deaths of many members of the 1922 expedition team that discovered the boy pharaoh: The 3,000-year-old tomb is rotting before visitors' eyes. Egypt has called in a team of "bookish versions...

Climb the Golden Gate Bridge? Maybe Soon

Officials seek revenue streams beyond ever-rising tolls

(Newser) - Facing giant budget holes and tired of constantly jacking up tolls in futile efforts to fill them, officials may offer tourists the chance to scale San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. The model is Sydney’s Harbour Bridge, where $200 gets you a guided climb to the top. What San...

Makeout Movie Heats Up City of Light

Kisses from Paris targets young lovers

(Newser) - A short film by a well-known director of a couple making out in parks, under bridges and on the streets of Paris is the city's latest attempt to seduce tourists. The 3-minute movie, Kisses From Paris, debuts on YouTube today. The quickie film features a smooching woman lamenting to her...

Green Joyride Sours for Paris' Rental Bikes

Vandalism, theft hurt pioneering program

(Newser) - A public bicycle-rental program launched in Paris in 2007 amid green good feeling has found reality to be a rough ride. Locals and tourists alike get unlimited access to Vélib’s fleet for about $1.50 a day, but some 80% of the $3,500 bikes have been stolen...

Tourists Seek Mythical Lesbian City in Sweden

Men looking for city of 25,000 women badger Swedish tourist authorities

(Newser) - Rumors of a city of 25,000 lesbians have led hordes of men to contact Swedish tourist authorities and swamp the nation's Internet providers. Chinese media especially have spread the tale of “Chako Paul City,” supposedly founded in 1820 in northern Sweden by a man-hating widow who banned...

Wash. Town Milks Twilight Connection for Tourist Bucks

(Newser) - Author Stephenie Meyer had never even been to Forks, Wash., when she chose it, with a little help from Google, as the setting for her wildly popular Twilight books. But that hasn’t stopped fans of the series and the movies it has spawned from flocking to the town, population...

Melting Ice Opens Arctic to Trade, But US Lags

Climate change opens north to shipping, tourism, resource development

(Newser) - Climate change is melting away the main barrier to business in the Arctic—ice—but the US lags behind other countries seeking to exploit the region, the Anchorage Daily News reports. As receding ice opens the area to shipping, resource exploitation, and tourism, it's Russia and Canada who have established...

2010 Winter Olympics Feel a Chill in One Host Town

Construction hassles, dim future depress Whistler residents

(Newser) - Whistler Village, Canada, celebrated when it learned it would host many events as part of the 2010 Winter Olympics in nearby Vancouver. But the honeymoon is pretty much over, the Seattle Times reports. Clogged roads, endless construction, and soon-to-be-closed schools have residents ruing the decision. And their ire doesn’t...

'Mob Sewage' Closes Capri's Blue Grotto

(Newser) - The famous Blue Grotto of the Italian island of Capri has been closed after its striking cerulean waters were fouled by raw sewage believed to be dumped by the Mafia, reports the Independent. La Grotta Azzurra, a favorite haunt of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, is celebrated for its striking waters...

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