
Stories 21 - 26 | << Prev 

Victory Would Vindicate Dean

Win would vindicate screaming DNC chair

(Newser) - If Democrats clean up tonight as expected, it’ll be a vindicating victory for Howard Dean. The DNC’s infamous screamer locked horns with many in his party over his “50-state strategy,” but this election his seemingly quixotic venture has borne fruit, the Hill reports. Barack Obama is...

West Turning Blue, Dems Say
 West Turning Blue, Dems Say

West Turning Blue, Dems Say

Party boasts strong voter registration, turnout in Mountain states

(Newser) - The Mountain West has historically gone for the GOP, but thanks to aggressive grass-roots organizing, Democrats believe they have a shot at turning red states blue, Politico reports. More field offices, opened much earlier than the GOP's, have boosted registration in Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. “This presidential cycle...

Forget the Small-Donor Myth: Big Money Still Rules

Big money men still Obama and McCain's bread and butter

(Newser) - Barack Obama often talks about how much money he’s raised from small donors, even describing it as “a parallel public financing system.” But while Obama has indeed raised record sums from little guys, big donors have kept pace, writes Jay Mandle of the Washington Post, predicting that...

'Campaign of People' Buoys Obama

Candidate, message, technology all combined to take campaign viral

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s grassroots campaigning is what brought the underdog to the top of the heap, the Chicago Tribune says. His camp’s goal from the start was to dodge the Democratic party’s political machine and address voters directly. “You could see in the first few hours that...

McCain Shifting Campaign Into General Election Mode

'Regional manager' approach draws criticism within party

(Newser) - John McCain plans to keep a decentralized campaign structure heading into the general election, with 10 regional managers who will make on-the-ground decisions, the Washington Post reports. The unusual move is part of McCain's efforts to turn his campaign team—one that often flew by the seat of its pants...

Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'
Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'

Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'

Wants local 'captains' to create a personal bond over next candidate

(Newser) - Michael Dukakis compares today’s political climate to the time of his own downfall in 1988, when George Bush Sr. overcame a 17-point deficit and whipped him 426-to-112 in the electoral college. Refusing to feel comfortable with the Dems’ advantage, Dukakis told the New York Observer that "We have...

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