alternative energy

Stories 81 - 86 | << Prev 

Sunny Days Here for Green Homeowners

Thanks to subsidies and surplus, going green is paying off

(Newser) - Sunny days are here to stay for solar homes with roof-top panels, Forbes reports. Such green abodes can cover electricity costs in warm months and store enough to sell solar power to the grid for profit. Installation is expensive but viable thanks to government subsidies, especially in California, New Jersey...

Fill 'Er Up With Algae, Please
Fill 'Er Up With Algae, Please

Fill 'Er Up With Algae, Please

Way to be green: New generation of alternative energy innovators get creative

(Newser) - Move over, sun. Alternative energy innovators are turning to increasingly inventive power technologies—and sources, including algae (to make diesel fuel) and tires and "car fluff" from junked vehicles. Ocean and geothermal operations appear to be the next big wave of the green future. One company is developing a...

Turkey Waste Fuels Power Plant, Debate

Droppings look like green fuel, but activists call foul

(Newser) - A $200 million power plant in rural Minnesota burns turkey droppings, calling the plentiful waste from nearby farms an alternative fuel source. But critics disagree: They argue it's nearly as big a polluter as standard power plants, and puts out relatively little juice for its government-subsidized costs. "As a...

Booming India Is Starved for Power
Booming India Is
Starved for Power

Booming India Is Starved for Power

Chronic electricity shortages belie booming economy

(Newser) - India's economy is growing so fast it has outstripped its electrical capacity, leaving burgeoning businesses, industries and homes to generate their own power with soot-belching diesel-powered generators for hours every day. Half of India's populace has no connection to the grid at all, and new construction often goes up without...

Coconut Oil Powers Papua New Guinea

On one island, mini-refineries are turning coconut oil into diesel

(Newser) - It's the ultimate in energy independence. On Papua New Guinea's Bougainvillea island, residents are battling expensive and unreliable oil imports by making their own perfumed alternafuel—from local coconuts. The refined coconut oil functions as diesel, residents say, and has already generated inquiries from as far away as Iran.

Plug-In Has Power to Spare
Plug-In Has Power to Spare

Plug-In Has Power to Spare

Higher-Capacity Batteries Open PossibilitiesMay Make Motorists Into Energy Traders

(Newser) - A souped-up plug-in hybrid unveiled yesterday has excited talk of a future in which  cleaner-running cars are also profitable. With a new lithium-ion battery that can store up to nine kilowatt/hours of electricity, a hybrid owner could buy electricity at night, store it in the battery, and then sell it...

Stories 81 - 86 | << Prev