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Strange and Scary Things We Do While Sleeping

Sleepers have been known to eat, text, and make whoopie

(Newser) - So you think mumbling in your sleep is weird? Hold on to your pillow, because the BBC reports on some of the truly weird things people do while sleeping:
  • Sleep texting: If you're glued to your smartphone during the day, you may end up sending incomprehensible texts while sleeping.

Pro Eaters' Stomachs Work Differently

Researcher scans digestive tracts in action

(Newser) - Competitive eaters aren't just good at stuffing their faces: Their digestive systems actually function differently from everyone else's. A researcher at the University of Pennsylvania compared the eating habits of a leading competitive eater and a man who weighed 45 pounds more than the champion did. He scanned...

To Curb Obesity, Give Babies Finger Food

Don't feed them pureed meals: study

(Newser) - Babies may face a lower risk of obesity if they feed themselves finger food when they're first learning to eat solids, a study suggests. Researchers found that babies who were spoon-fed pureed food developed more of a propensity for sweets than did their finger-fed counterparts; the kids who munched...

Food and Dieting Trick: Use a Bigger Fork
 Bigger Fork= 
 Smaller Meals 
study says

Bigger Fork= Smaller Meals

Users of bigger utensil left more food untouched

(Newser) - Looking to eat less? Try bigger utensils. A study compared how much restaurant-goers ate using different forks, one 20% larger than a standard restaurant fork, and the other 20% smaller. Researchers discovered that those who employed the big fork left more food uneaten—7.91 ounces of food compared to...

Women Think About Food More Than Sex

But more than 60% don't enjoy eating in front of partners

(Newser) - Women think about food a lot—as in, more than they think about sex. A recent survey shows that while 25% of women think about food every half-hour, only 10% think about sex that often. When it comes to men, 5% think about sex once a minute and 36% find...

Picky Eaters May Have Disorder
 Picky Eaters 
 May Have Disorder 

Picky Eaters May Have Disorder

These adults are not being 'willful and bratty,' says researcher

(Newser) - Not a fan of sushi, brussels sprouts, or any type of bread that's not white? You may not be just a picky eater—you may have an actual disorder, LiveScience reports. Researchers studying finicky adult eaters have identified a condition called "selective eating disorder," and they think people...

How Skinny Chefs Stay That Way
 How Skinny 
 Chefs Stay 
 That Way 

How Skinny Chefs Stay That Way

Focus, routine, exercise...and also just running around a lot

(Newser) - Rotund chefs like Mario Batali and Paula Deen have given way to a crop of stick-thin kitchen wizards who clearly know a thing or two about how to stay slim while being surrounded by food. The Daily Beast gets the skinny from the skinny culinary elite, and won't take "...

You Not Only Can Eat New Veal, You Should
 You Not Only Can 
 Eat New Veal, 
 You Should  

You Not Only Can Eat New Veal, You Should

Pasture-raised version of other, other white meat draws new fans

(Newser) - Some conscientious objectors to eating veal are not only reconsidering their stance, they are doing an about-face. The new hot product at top restaurants is “humanely raised” veal—calves no longer wrenched from their mothers and raised in cages, but brought to slaughter after an idyllic, if short, life...

Gone With Gourmet: a Taste for Expertise

There is no 'hard-won blood-on-the-floor kind' of editorial experience on the Web

(Newser) - When Gourmet magazine absorbed his Cook’s in 1990, Christopher Kimball discovered the hard way that the publishing business is “a top-down, winner-take-all proposition, an oligarchy of sorts.” But the frazzling encounter also afforded him a meeting with Conde Nast chairman Si Newshouse, who “poured his fortune...

How Thin People Make Other People Fat

New study shows we mimic habits of those whose bodies we aspire to

(Newser) - Existing research suggests those trying to control their food intake should avoid dining with hefty companions with heaping plates. Not quite, says a new study. While the "I'll have what she's having" effect was confirmed in this experiment with college-age women, it was much more pronounced if the person...

Nighttime Snacks Worse Than We Thought

Mouse study shows weight gain more than doubles on opposite schedule

(Newser) - Eating when you should be sleeping—the proverbial midnight snack, say, or the meals of night-shift workers—could put you at higher risk of obesity, Time reports. A new study fed two groups of mice the same high-fat diet on opposite schedules; the group that ate during “normal” waking...

Shut Up, Dieters: It's Not Working, and You're Boring

(Newser) - Enough about your diet already, Chloe Angyal writes on SpliceToday. It’s boring. “There is something about dieting that renders people unable to talk about anything but their diet, even to complete strangers who actually didn't ask and frankly don't care,” Angyal continues, and she knows what it...

Why Exercise May Not Erase That Gut

 Why Exercise 
 May Not Erase 
 That Gut 


Why Exercise May Not Erase That Gut

Rigorous exercise can make you eat more, and diet affects weight more than exercise

(Newser) - Despite forcing himself to do a rigorous amount of aerobic exercise, John Cloud hasn't budged from 163 pounds—with gut fat. Shouldn’t all that exercise change something? Not necessarily, he writes for Time. Science has shown that exercise has much less effect than diet on overall weight. The problem,...

Slimming Down US Won't Cut Health Costs

Or reject 'collectivist thinking' and let people make own choices

(Newser) - The Obama administration claims the anti-obesity bent of its health care plan will lower overall costs by making America thinner. “It won’t,” Jacob Sullum writes in Reason. Even if the government succeeds in slimming down the US—unlikely in Sullum’s opinion—the longer-lived result will actually...

Chow Down on the 'Gross-Food Movement'

Porkgasm and Bacone provide alternative to healthy eating

(Newser) - A new class of foodies is scoffing at calorie-consciousness and organic growing—what Robert Ashley dubs the Gross-Food Movement in Gourmet. A few tantalizing treats invented by the movement’s pioneers:
  • Porkgasm: a pig sculpture made from bacon, sausage, and ham, filled with smoked sausage, more bacon, and pork belly.

Obesity Genes Mainly Affect Your Brain

DNA behind appetites, tastes, and how likely we are to feel full: study

(Newser) - Overeating is all in your head, but you can blame that on your DNA, the Times of London reports. Of the seven gene variations connected with obesity, five affect the brain’s wiring, suggesting that an inherited tendency toward slimness has more to do with appetite and impulse control than...

Why You Should Drink From the Bottom of the List

Expensive wines can break the bank and cheaper ones may give off the impression of mediocrity, but they can save money without losing their taste

(Newser) - While most people prefer choosing from the top of any wine list, it’s not where you get the best bang for your buck, writes Eric Asimov in the New York Times. He suggests starting at the bottom. While expensive wines are a must-have for any respectable restaurant, “the...

There's Wild Food Missing Here
 There's Wild Food Missing Here

There's Wild Food Missing Here

American cuisine should include wild game

(Newser) - Mark Twain’s Thanksgiving looked nothing like the meal you’re having tomorrow—or, for that matter, like the one the Pilgrims had with the Wampanoag. The difference? Those bygone American tables would have been filled with wild game, Andrew Beahrs writes in the New York Times. Twain wrote with...

20 Best New Places to Dine
 20 Best New Places to Dine 

20 Best New Places to Dine

Esquire 's picks from all over the US

(Newser) - After surveying restaurants across the US, Esquire gave the country props for its chops, proclaiming "the emergence of American cooking as the most diverse and most innovative in the world." It highlighted 20 favorite new restaurants of the year:
  1. L20 (Chicago): Overlook its Midwest locale; this place serves

Eating Too Fast Makes You Fat
Eating Too Fast Makes You Fat

Eating Too Fast Makes You Fat

Men who scarf their meals are 84% more likely to be obese; women even more so

(Newser) - When your mom said to slow down and chew your food, she may have been more right than she knew: Speedy eating can double your risk of being overweight, according to a new study. Japanese scientists compared hundreds of food-savoring people to their sprinter counterparts, and found a striking correlation...

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