Cate Blanchett

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Cate Blanchett's Lockdown Accident Was a Weird One
Cate Blanchett: 1,
Chainsaw: Zero

Cate Blanchett: 1, Chainsaw: Zero

Actress doing OK after lockdown accident left her with a 'little nick to the head'

(Newser) - If you've been having a hard time stuck at home during the pandemic, consider yourself lucky you haven't been attacked by a chainsaw (unless you have, in which case ... carry on). During a podcast conversation with ex-Aussie Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Cate Blanchett revealed just such a thing...

Turbulent Cannes Takes a Bow
Turbulent Cannes Takes a Bow

Turbulent Cannes Takes a Bow

Spike Lee takes home grand prize, while 'Shoplifters' wins Palme d'Or

(Newser) - A tumultuous Cannes Film Festival concluded Saturday with the Palme d'Or awarded to Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-eda's Shoplifters, a tender portrait of a poor, impoverished family, while Harvey Weinstein accuser Asia Argento vowed justice will come to all sexual predators. At the closing ceremony, the Cate Blanchett-led jury...

Cannes Jury Gets a Female President

Cate Blanchett will be 12th woman to hold the role

(Newser) - Australian actress and anti-sexual harassment campaigner Cate Blanchett will head this year's Cannes film festival jury, becoming only the 12th woman in its 71-year history to do so, per the AP and Variety . In a statement Thursday, top Cannes officials Pierre Lescure and Thierry Fremaux expressed their delight in...

Val Kilmer Addresses Cate Blanchett Lovefest

He doesn't think it was weird at all

(Newser) - Val Kilmer doesn't think his weekend-long string of tweets declaring his undying admiration for Cate Blanchett was strange at all. "I don’t know why loving an actor that’s so talented is creepy, but I guess I’m creepy," said Kilmer, 57, at a film screening...

Val Kilmer's Cate Blanchett Tweets Are Raising Eyebrows

'Once I flew all the way to Australia just to talk to Cate Blanchett'

(Newser) - Val Kilmer is no stranger to unexpected headlines (witness this and this ), but this may take the cake. Multiple outlets are taking note of the actor's days-long series of starry-eyed tweets about actress Cate Blanchett. ("Verging on the creepy," proclaims Mashable .) First, the two stars...

CBS Won't Run Ads for Redford Film Unflattering to CBS

Network won't be accepting advertising for movie based on Dan Rather debacle

(Newser) - CBS has refused to run advertising for Truth, the film starring Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford that revisits a painful episode in the network's past involving a discredited 2004 news story on former President George W. Bush's military service record. CBS has denounced the movie, which opens Friday,...

Twitter Erupts Over Blanchett's New Role

She'll play Lucille Ball in biopic to be written by Aaron Sorkin

(Newser) - I Love Cate doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but no matter: Cate Blanchett has signed on to play Lucille Ball in an authorized biopic following the actress' 20-year marriage to Desi Arnaz, reports the Hollywood Reporter . The couple's children, Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz Jr....

Blanchett: 'Bisexual' Comments Taken Out of Context

She's never had a sexual relationship with a woman, she clarifies

(Newser) - It may have seemed like Cate Blanchett came out as bisexual last week, but at a press conference this weekend for her new film, she said her comments about her relationships with women were taken out of context, the Guardian reports. "From memory, the conversation ran: 'Have you...

Cate Blanchett: I've Had 'Many' Relationships With Women

But that's about all she'll say about that

(Newser) - In Carol, debuting at Cannes Sunday, Cate Blanchett plays a woman who gets romantically involved with another woman. In an extensive Variety interview about the film, asked whether this is Blanchett's "first turn as a lesbian," the actress replied, "On film—or in real life?" But...

Do Not Ask Cate Blanchett About Leashing a Cat

Or if she wants to have a beer. She does not

(Newser) - Cate Blanchett is a serious actor . She has a movie out that's getting sparkling reviews . And she does not want to have a beer or suffer fools. These are the lessons hapless interviewer Jonathan Hyla might take away from their sit-down to discuss Blanchett's Cinderella. As Time notes,...

Magical Cinderella 'Sparkles'

Magical Cinderella 'Sparkles'

New fairy tale flick updates story, stays true to original

(Newser) - There are sure to be a few people buying tickets to Cinderella this weekend simply to see Frozen Fever , which precedes it. If they stick around after the short, though, they might just witness a little magic courtesy of Cate Blanchett, Lily James, and Richard Madden. Here's what critics...

Hollywood Is Blowing It With Women

 Is Blowing It 
 With Women 

Hollywood Is Blowing It With Women

Both as filmmakers and audiences: Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Cate Blanchett got it right at the Oscars. Hollywood is still treating women-centered films as "niche experiences"—and the industry is similarly marginalizing the women who work in it, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . According to a San Diego State University study last year, women...

Ellen DeGeneres Opens the Oscars
 12 Years a Slave 
 Wins Best Picture 
academy awards

12 Years a Slave Wins Best Picture

Here are all your Oscar winners

(Newser) - Ellen DeGeneres opened tonight's Academy Awards with a few mild shots at the attendees—among other things, she teased Jennifer Lawrence for falling on her way up to the stage last year and then again on the red carpet tonight ; she raised her voice so that 84-year-old nominee June...

Blanchett, Baldwin React to Dylan Farrow Accusations

As Woody Allen's camp shifts focus to Mia Farrow

(Newser) - In her letter detailing sexual abuse she says she suffered at the hands of adopted father Woody Allen, Dylan Farrow called out several celebrities for continuing to work with the director. One line: "What if it had been your child, Cate Blanchett? Louis CK? Alec Baldwin?" Two of those...

McConaughey, Hustle Win at SAGs
 Hustle Win at SAGs 

McConaughey, Hustle Win at SAGs

Awards season is beginning to look sort of set

(Newser) - Matthew McConaughey and American Hustle are beginning to make the Oscars look sort of inevitable, adding Screen Actors Guild Awards wins last night to their Golden Globes . McConaughey again took home the lead actor award for Dallas Buyers Club, which also earned Jared Leto a best supporting actor award, while...

Jennifer Lawrence Wins First Golden Globe of the Night
 Here Are Your 
 Golden Globes 
golden globes

Here Are Your Golden Globes Winners

Big winners: American Hustle, 12 Years a Slave, Breaking Bad

(Newser) - Tina Fey and Amy Poehler opened the Golden Globes tonight , and then it was on to the awards:
  • Best supporting actress in a motion picture: Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle
  • Best supporting actress in a TV series, miniseries, or movie: Jacqueline Bisset, Dancing on the Edge
  • Best TV miniseries or movie:

Gritty Robin Hood Misses Bulls-Eye
 Gritty Robin Hood 

Gritty Robin Hood Misses Bulls-Eye

No merry men to be found in Ridley Scott's prequel to outlaw legend

(Newser) - Naturally Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe doen't skimp on fights or period color in their gritty take on Robin Hood, but they've both done better, say critics, than this downbeat tale some feel lacks a "beating heart."
  • "it’s reassuring to see Russell Crowe back in fighting

Hollywood's Most Profitable Actresses

Naomi Watts delivers big hits for relatively little pay

(Newser) - Straitened studio heads unwilling to give $10 million to divas and hope for a hit should call Naomi Watts' agent right now. The Australian star of Mulholland Drive and The Ring is the most bankable actress in Hollywood, Forbes calculates. Her films earned an average of $44 for every dollar...

Blanchett Bloodied in Stage Accident

In Streetcar performance, radio destined for window finds her head instead

(Newser) - Cate Blanchett left the stage of a Sydney performance of A Streetcar Named Desire with a bloodied head after a prop mishap, the Telegraph reports. A co-star charged with throwing a radio out of window during a fight “sort of slipped and hit her in the head,” an...

Bridget Jones 3 in the Works

(Newser) - Bridget Jones and her oversized underwear are coming back for a third movie, Variety reports, with Renée Zellweger set to reprise the title character. Cate Blanchett is also on board for Indian Summer, expected to be based on Bridget Jones’ Diary author Helen Fielding’s columns for a British...

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