Sure, you get by with a little help from your friends, but in the überfriendly world of Facebook, how many is too many? One professor sets the number of meaningful relationships one can handle at 150, and even Facebook itself will cut you off at the you-can't-possibly-know-all-these-people number of 5000. But tell that to the adults mass-collecting friends like they were pimply-faced middle-schoolers again, reports the New York Times.
“I went through school with little popularity, and no one was proud to be my friend. Now it’s a strange badge to wear," says the close pal to 4801. But, notes the Times, even online friends can be a timesuck: “Normally I start hitting it about 10 o’clock at night, and if I do it right, I can be done by 1 am,” says one avid friend. “Anybody in his right mind would consider abandoning it.” (More Facebook stories.)