Word processors, dot-matrix printers, rotary phones, and other formerly state-of-the-art technologies are just about gone and nearly forgotten. Carrying the torch for the likes of holding up a cigarette lighter at a concert is JR Raphael of PC World, who lists 40 leading lights of abandoned technology:
- Looking up numbers in the phone book: "The traditional walking of fingers through wood-pulp pages seems antiquated to many tech-friendly families (and wasteful to many green-friendly families)."
- Rockin' out with your boombox: "The era of not being able to ride in peace on a randomly selected public conveyance on a randomly selected day is, thankfully, behind us."
- Using proper grammar and punctuation: "txting and iming has made proper grammar seems kinda old skoo, dont u thnk? "
- Using a public phone booth: "Translation: Superman is screwed."
To see the complete list, click the link below.
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