Underdogs Rule at Globes

Big winners include 30 Rock, Kate Winslet
By Ambreen Ali,  Newser Staff
Posted Jan 12, 2009 3:12 AM CST

Hollywood blockbusters bowed to award-grabbing underdogs like critics' darling Slumdog Millionaire at the Golden Globes last night, the Los Angeles Times reports. The Mumbai thriller once considered straight-to-DVD material swiped honors for Best Dramatic Film, and top awards for screenplay, director and original score. The quirky indie comedy In Bruges put Colin Farrell in the winners' circle with Mickey Rourke, both winning Best Actor honors, and Kate Winslet, who won Best Actress for Revolutionary Road and Best Supporting Actress for The Reader.

The TV awards went to Mad Men, 30 Rock and a handful of HBO miniseries—including John Adams and In Treatment. Anna Paquin won Best Actress for her performance in the network's True Blood. Tracy Morgan delivered perhaps the most colorful speech of the evening when he picked up the 30 Rock series prize. "I'm the face of post-racial America," he said. "Deal with it, Cate Blanchett!" (More Golden Globes stories.)

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