Two Canadian comics fooled Sarah Palin by calling her up and imitating Nicolas Sarkozy, the Canadian Press reports. During the 6-minute chat, Palin gushed about her respect for the French president, and listened as wife Carla Bruni was described as "hot in bed." Finally, comedian Marc-Antoine Audette came clean. "Ohhhh," Palin said. "Have we been pranked?"
Audette, half of a Quebecois comedy team, dropped clues along the way, such as:
- Referring to French actor/singer Johnny Hallyday as Sarkozy's special adviser to the US.
- Inviting Palin on a hunting trip because "I just love killing those animals."
- Calling the Hustler Nailin' Paylin video "the documentary they made on your life."
Palin's team later said she was "mildly amused" by the call. Said Audette: "I hope we won't have a one-way ticket to Guantanamo Bay." (More
Election 2008 stories.)