Millie Bobby Brown has been relatively quiet since getting married earlier this year, but the actor is back in headlines after posting some selfies. Per USA Today, the 20-year-old Stranger Things star threw up a handful of photos Monday on Instagram, showing her in one photo all dolled up in a floral-print dress, clutching a Louis Vuitton bag and making a duck face with her lips. Apparently the contrast between the sexier, more glamorous long-haired Brown and her bald, bloody-nosed Stranger Things character Eleven was too much for some fans, who took to the comments section to inquire about her look.
"What's happening to her face" asked one commenter, while another wrote: "MILLIE WHAT HAPPENEDDDD." Yahoo notes that some even asked if she was pregnant or had gotten plastic surgery. Other fans jumped to Brown's defense. One noted, "Y'all. She's not a kid anymore. You're still expecting her to look like baby Eleven. She's not." Others simply called her "pretty," "gorgeous," and "stunning." USA Today notes Brown was only 12 when Stranger Things first hit Netflix. Brown stood up for herself as well in a since-vanished Instagram story, writing, "Women grow!! not sorry about it." (More Millie Bobby Brown stories.)