Va. Gov. Kaine Rises to Top of Obama VP Pool

Says talks are 'very serious'; Biden, Bayh, Sebelius in contention
By Jonas Oransky,  Newser Staff
Posted Jul 29, 2008 11:56 AM CDT
Va. Gov. Kaine Rises to Top of Obama VP Pool
Joe Biden   (AP Photo/Steve Pope)

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine is in “very serious” talks about a spot on the Democratic ticket, sources tell the Washington Post. The 50-year-old has joined Sens. Evan Bayh, Joe Biden and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius on Barack Obama’s shortlist, bringing outsider credentials though no experience in foreign affairs, which is perceived as an Obama weakness.

Kaine, a former mayor of Richmond, shares Kansas roots with Obama, whom he met while campaigning in 2005; aides say he’s provided background information needed to check for issues that could emerge in a national campaign. In addition to Biden (considered gaffe-prone and a Washington insider) and Bayh (safe but conventional), Obama is reportedly still looking at Sens. Hillary Clinton and Chris Dodd and former senator Sam Nunn. (More Barack Obama stories.)