"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the green drone, handing out free cannabis from the sky," a pro-legalization group in Israel said on the secure messaging app Telegram Thursday. Shortly afterward, pot started falling from the sky in Tel Aviv. Dozens of passers-by in Rabin Square rushed to pick hundreds of bags of cannabis that a drone dropped over the central square, which is a regular site of political rallies, the Jerusalem Post reports. The Green Drone group said the drop marked the launch of its "rain of cannabis" project, which will "include a weekly delivery to different parts of the country of 1 kilo of cannabis divided into free 2 gram bags."
The group said the pandemic "requires thinking outside the box and coming up with new ways of getting cannabis to consumers," which inspired the project. Recreational use of cannabis in Israel "is illegal but largely decriminalized," Reuters notes. Police said the baggies dropped by the drone contained a "dangerous drug" and officers were able to recover dozens of them. Two men in their 30s suspected of operating the drone were arrested. (More cannabis stories.)