Soon-to-be Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave a speech Friday in which she told her audience that "we've done what we thought was impossible," citing her election and that of many other Democrats, reports Fox News. "We went to the moon," she said. "We established civil rights. We enfranchised the country. … We did it when no one else thought that we could." Rolling his eyes at her on Twitter was former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. "Ocasio-Cortez compares her election to moon landing," he tweeted Sunday. "Huh? Big difference. Moon landing was LUNAR, not LOONEY; Moon landing done by ppl who knew what they were doing … those who elected someone who thought there were 3 branches of Congress did NOT."
In response to Huckabee, Ocasio-Cortez doubled down on her assertion that a renewable energy deal she's working on "will take a level of ambition + innovation on the scale of the moon landing," then hit Huckabee's daughter, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders. "Leave the false statements to Sarah Huckabee. She's much better at it," Ocasio-Cortez snarked. She also jabbed at Huckabee himself—"you haven't been a Governor of any state for 10+ years now," she wrote, referring to his Twitter handle that still bears the title—as well as at other GOPers and an "Entire Conservative Cable News Channel + YouTube universe" she says have attacked her. "I'm not even sworn in yet. Don't y'all have jobs to do?" she asked. (Ocasio-Cortez's attire recently caused a hubbub.)