Her name is "Reality," but her story sounds more like something from a spy thriller: Reality Leigh Winner, a 25-year-old intelligence contractor, was arrested Monday in the first criminal case of the Trump's administration's campaign against leaks, the New York Times reports. The arrest was announced just an hour after the publication of a bombshell National Security Agency report from May 5 detailing Russian hacking of a voting equipment vendor and attempts to hack 122 local election officials just days before the election. The latest:
- The Intercept story based on the document allegedly supplied by Winner describes it as the "most detailed US government account of Russian interference in the election that has yet come to light." It details how, contrary to Vladimir Putin's claim that Russia had never tried to interfere in the election, Russia's military intelligence agency hacked an American company and used information from that hack for a "spearphishing" campaign targeting local government officials.