Politics / opinion Trump at 100: The Positive Reviews 'Rousing success,' a 'sea change,' and 'pretty close to perfect' are what some are saying By Jenn Gidman Posted Apr 28, 2017 1:15 PM CDT Copied President Trump after signing an executive order in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) The first 100 days are just about under President Trump's belt, and there's plenty being said online about his performance—and much of that analysis is enthusiastically positive. Some of the standouts in that category: (Or click here to see a roundup of negative reviews.) Republican Rep. Brian Babin of Texas enthuses at the Hill that "we're off to a great start" under Trump, who he says has issued and enacted dozens of executive orders and bills, created 500,000 jobs, and put Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. "We are moving in a strikingly different direction than the malaise days of the Obama era," he says. With this Trump presidency we've experienced a "sea change," Hugh Hewitt writes for the Washington Post, adding that conservatives should break out the bubbly. Hewitt concedes there were initial "fumbles," "stumbles," and "a jumble of ups and downs," but he says Trump has since found his footing, especially after Gorsuch, the strike on Syria, and dropping the "mother of all bombs" on Afghanistan. "Just imagine what the next three and two-thirds years can bring," Hewitt writes. "A rousing success" is how Justin Haskins and H. Sterling Burnett describe the first 100 days for Trump in the Sun-Sentinel. They tout reforms Trump has jump-started to "reignite the American economic engine," as well as the sharp decline in illegal immigrants coming into the US since he took office—a "wildly successful" presidency so far. On the Americans for Tax Reform site, Justin Sykes praises Trump's first months as a "boon for US energy," listing the 10 executive orders Trump has already signed that "will boost US energy independence and growth." Fortune lists the seven economic promises it says the president has kept, including pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and getting rid of obstacles to the Keystone XL pipeline. Eli Lake writes that Trump has disproved the "Russian stooge" and "fascist" labels that have been hurled his way, noting at Bloomberg View that the president has begrudgingly adhered to court decisions (even if he has insulted them) and that "US-Russian relations are cratering." "Slowly but surely, he has begun to resemble something less menacing and more normal than his foes predicted," he writes. Sarah Palin wouldn't give a letter grade to Trump during a Breitbart interview Thursday, but she did offer he's doing "very well." She also told conservatives who may still have their doubts to "keep doing your ABCs"—i.e., remind themselves that the mission for this presidency was "Anybody But Clinton." One of the most glowing reviews of all sees little to no need for improvement, and it comes courtesy of Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs. On Fox Thursday, Dobbs said Trump has "worked his tail off" and called his performance "pretty close to perfect." Hannity nodded: "Everything he could do on his own he's doing." (More opinion stories.) Report an error