There is no shortage of fodder for a roast of Rob Lowe, but at the actor's Comedy Central taping on Saturday night, the blood in the water belonged to Ann Coulter and the sharks on the dais knew it, reports USA Today. Coulter knew it, telling the audience, "I'd like to welcome everyone to the Ann Coulter roast with Rob Lowe," adding that her presence on the dais "has nothing to do with the book I published four days ago." A sampling of some of the PG-yet-still-brutal zingers, also via Fox News:
- Nikki Glaser: "Ann Coulter has written 11 books, 12 if you count Mein Kampf. Ann, you're awful. The only person you will ever make happy is the Mexican who digs your grave."
- Peyton Manning: "I just realized that I'm not the only athlete up here tonight. As you all know, earlier this year Ann Coulter won the Kentucky Derby."