Trump to Megyn Kelly: I 'Do Pretty Well With the Real Tweet'

Looks like the feud is over
By Rob Quinn,  Newser Staff
Posted May 18, 2016 1:10 AM CDT
Trump Appears on Kelly Special, Says He Has Regrets
Megyn Kelly waits for the start of the Republican presidential primary debate in Des Moines, Iowa, in January.   (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

The Donald Trump-Megyn Kelly truce held on Tuesday night, when the candidate appeared on the Fox News special Megyn Kelly Presents and managed to avoid insulting the host. The interview addressed topics like Trump's previous clashes with Kelly, and he said he "absolutely" has regrets, though he didn't exactly seem regretful. "I could have done certain things differently. I could have maybe used different language in a couple of instances," Trump said. "But overall I have to be very happy with the outcome." Asked about his retweets of posts calling Kelly a bimbo and mocking the appearance of Heidi Cruz, he admitted retweets "get him in trouble," the AP reports. "The retweet is really more of a killer than a tweet," he said. "I seem to do pretty well with the real tweet."

Trump said his behavior wasn't bullying but "fighting back." Kelly didn't delve into policy issues, the Guardian notes, but the pair discussed personal issues, including the death of Trump's alcoholic older brother, Fred. Overall, Trump delivered his "usual array of incomplete sentences, unfinished tangents, and an obfuscating lack of specifics," writes Hank Stuever at the Washington Post, who deems the Kelly special "neither groundbreaking nor especially informative." He notes that other guests, including Orange Is the New Black's Laverne Cox, were better interview subjects than Trump—and that at the end of the hourlong special, Kelly's "last words to her viewers were spent crassly plugging her forthcoming memoir." (More Donald Trump stories.)