When dentists ask if we've been flossing our teeth, 27% of us lie, according to a new survey from the American Academy of Periodontology. But, as NPR notes, your dentist can tell whether you're telling the truth on this particular matter—and the two dental health professionals it spoke to were surprised that 27% figure wasn't higher. "Is that all?" said one. "I am shocked," said another. "Given my experience with patients in my practice I thought it would be higher." Maybe people lied on the survey, too? Another poll from the American Dental Association last year found that just four in 10 Americans floss at least once a day.
The AAP survey also found that 36% of Americans would rather do some other unpleasant activity than floss:
- 18% would rather wash dishes
- 14% would rather clean the toilet
- 14% would rather wait in a long check-out line
- 9% would rather sit in traffic for an hour
- 9% would rather do their taxes
dentistry stories.)