The latest, long-awaited installment in the Jurassic Park saga is here. This time, characters played by Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard watch as the genetically-modified dinosaur Indominus rex is unleashed on the park; destruction, of course, is inevitable. Here's what critics are saying:
- "You can't experience first love twice," writes Kenneth Turan at the Los Angeles Times. "Despite the best efforts of director Colin Trevorrow, Jurassic World's story of Indominus rex on the loose, while certainly acceptable, doesn't have the same impact as the initial film." That being said, the moviemakers "have done as well as they could," Turan writes, and Pratt's "combination of physicality, charisma, and attitude prove hard to resist."
- Brian Truitt is awed by the "zoo of phenomenal creations that rivals the original's impressive array of ancient animals." While he says Jurassic World is "a monster step up from the two disappointing previous sequels," it’s "sorely missing the heart and inherent wonder of the classic first film," he writes at USA Today. Still, it holds "enough dino-mite action to stave off excitement extinction."