If you weren't paying attention to last night's primary contests, you missed one of the more memorable victory speeches in a while. It came from Republican Justin Amash, a libertarian-leaning politician who defeated challenger Brian Ellis in Michigan's 3rd District. Candidates generally "kiss and make up" with their foes after even the nastiest of campaigns, notes the Washington Post, but Amash was having none of that. He even refused to take Ellis' concession call. Highlights:
- To Ellis: "You owe my family and this community an apology for your disgusting, despicable smear campaign. You had the audacity to try and call me today after running a campaign that was called the nastiest in the country. I ran for office to stop people like you."
- To former Rep. Peter Hoekstra, an Ellis backer: "You are a disgrace. And I'm glad we could hand you one more loss before you fade into total obscurity and irrelevance."
Amash also mentioned a TV spot ran by the Ellis campaign that called Amash "al-Qaeda's best friend in Congress," reports
Fox 17. “I’m an Arab-American, and he has the audacity to say I’m Al-Queda’s best friend in Congress. That’s pretty disgusting.” (Amash made headlines last year when he drew bipartisan support
in a bid to rein in the NSA.)