Mitt Romney addressed the NRA today to call President Obama soft on gun rights and personal liberties in general, but he couldn't resist bringing his "hero"—wife Ann—on stage, too. Both addressed the recent flap over her decision to be a stay-at-home mom, and Politico provides quotes.
- Mitt: “I happen to believe that all moms are working moms, and if you have five sons your work is never over."
- Ann: “Let me give a shout-out to all moms that are working and by the way to all dads that are working. We love all of you. You know, I often think that you’re only as a parent as happy as your saddest child. And you never stop being a parent. Our boys are grown now, and they have children, but it is such an opportunity for me to think about the heritage that we’re leaving those children.” Women, she added, are not a special interest group. “There’s only one part of that phrase that’s correct: women are special."