Michele Bachmann's already-struggling campaign is in hot water now that it's been busted for co-opting a homeschooling email list without permission. The president of the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators informed members of the breach in a recent email obtained by the Iowa Republican, noting that two emails were sent to the list from Bachmann's campaign before NICHE realized what had happened and the campaign removed the addresses from its database.
One NICHE board member is also a paid employee of Bachmann's campaign, the Iowa Republican notes. In his email, the group's president assures members that the campaign's mistake was "inadvertent" and that NICHE does not endorse any candidate. But because the emails went out, federal law requires NICHE to charge the Bachmann campaign for the usage—and then offer all the other candidates the opportunity to also pay for two emails to be sent out to the list. (More Michele Bachmann stories.)